2012-12-20 Scheduled Power Loss For More Than An Hour

Last week I got a postcard from So Cal Edison telling me that there would be a scheduled power outage on Dec 20 from 9 AM to 3 PM.  Well this morning I was working on the PC and sure enough, about 10:30 the lights went out.  Since it’s a laptop, I didn’t lose anything.  But my DSL modem was off of course.

It’s not funny when you go to do something and it doesn’t work because there’s no electricity.  Like I turned on the stove burner and the ignitor didn’t work because there was no power.  So I had to bring out the barbecue lighter and light the gas manually.  Sheesh!  I hope the gas water heater isn’t the same way.  Luckily it has enough hot water to hold over for a few hours.  Maybe the Maya Calendar was right!

I decided to go for a walk, and ended up in a thrift shop where the lady had a Meade astronomical telescope with all the eyepieces and other stuff for $100.00, which is considerably less than what it cost originally.  I think it had a four inch lens – it’s a refractor.  I aimed it out the window and saw stuff more than a block away as if it was right outside the door.  I may go back and buy it if it’s still there.

I got a sub sandwich and came back after 1 PM and the lights were back on,  My problem was the DSL didn’t link up for what seemed like hours.  Finally I could get back online, but everything seemed slower, I think because the cookies that I had built up were gone and every site had to meddle with my PC to get it to where it was before, so it could trust it again.  Like, “You don’t look familiar.  Let me double check to see if you’re on my list of acceptable users.”

Anyway, now that I’m back online, I’ll have to catch up on what I was planning on doing before this morning.  My next blog should be an  indication,  But first I gotta go around to all the appliances like the microwave oven and reset the time so the display doesn’t blink all the time.

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