2012-11-06 Election Day! What else is new?

Man, will I be glad when this is over.  My recyclables trash can is overloaded with all the flyers with which we’ve been bombarded for the last  few weeks.  Yet I have not seen a single flyer for the presidential race.  It’s like America’s most populous state doesn’t even exist as far as they care.  Well, there have been visits by the president for a thousand or more dollars a pop fundraising activity, but only the wealthy can afford that.  Why do a few states like Ohio and Iowa get to decide how the election is going to turn out?  I think it’s unfair.  But then the whole electoral college thing is unfair.

It just goes to show that “We have the best government money can buy.”

Update the morning after – It looks like the citizens of California have enough common sense to scuttle the propositions that were financed by Big Money.  The Calif Fair Political Practices Commission found that $11 milllion was illegally funneled into Prop 38 by out of state interests which laundered the money.  This prop was soundly defeated.

Prop 32 also was defeated, another one of those propositions that was financed by Big Money.  The media reported that this proposition was similar to two other earlier propositions which were defeated.  It seems that Big Money will continue to attempt to use California’s initiative process to pull the wool over the eyes of its citizens.  Hopefully the truth will prevail in the future.

The Prop 37, labeling of genetically modified food, was defeated.  My view is that since 70 percent of all food is genetically modified, it seems that if this proposition had passed, almost all foods would have to be labeled as GM, which doesn’t help people who wish to avoid GM food, since it would be extremely difficult.  Most foods have ingredients that use corn or its products such as high fructose corn syrup.  What are you supposed to do?  Quit eating altogether??

I would have liked to see the proposition abolishing the death penalty passed in Calif., but it was defeated.  Death row inmates spend decades on death row, and waste millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money while they automatically appeal their sentence.  In China, when a criminal is sentenced to death, they execute him by the next day.  No waiting around for the sentence to be carried out.  We have to look at other civilized countries.  Many of those countries have abolished the death penalty.  Why shouldn’t we?  It would save the state a lot of money.


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