2012-10-22 Greenwave Wireless Networked LED Light Bulbs

This Greenwave Reality (their website was s-l-o-w) is something that could be the future, but the price at this time may be prohibitive.   If the price can be lowered then more home owners will be attracted to this really cool product.

I bought a Stanley three station wireless power outlet controller.  I got a little fob with three sets of on/off buttons, and three adapters.  It is very convenient to be able to control these lights with a remote control, especially when they are not even in the same room.   I’m seeing 5 station sets on Amazon for $30.   Now if I could just get the adapter that would fit between the socket and lamp, I would have essentially the same thing as this Greenwave.

Another product that is available is X-10, which can be purchased from their website. It has wireless capability and interfaces to the PC.