2012-04-06 LTA Hangar – Another One Bites The Dust

Another Hangar at the former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin, California, has gone to the scrap heap of history this week.  The demolition ‘dozer ripped the steel beams out from the walls, twisting them like pretzels.  Every time the ‘dozer pulled out a beam, the whole hangar lurched and loudly popped, banged and groaned as steel beams bent and the structure collapsed.

Over the years since the former air station was  closed and turned over to local governments, portions of the property have been developed into commercial and residential developments.  Apparently after this hangar is gone, there will be further development.  This was one of the smaller hangars on the “LTA” (lighter than air) base as the locals knew it; the two huge blimp hangars are still standing, but for how long, who knows?  I hope they’re rescued and made into historical monuments.