2023-08-02 Humanity To Use 1.7 Earth’s Worth Of Resources This Year

The US, along with Canada and the UAE share third worst countries place. My thought is that humanity is on the highway with a speed limit of 65 MPH or 100 kPh. We’re in a vehicle that’s out of control, going 125 MPH – double the speed limit and we’re still going faster and faster, headed for oblivion! If we don’t slow down our abuse of Earth’s resources, there is not going to be anything left in the future! The way we’re going is unsustainable!

Quote from article: “”And as humanity has become more populous, and as people demand more resources, this only compounds the problem. We must become less wasteful and use less resources, but we’re only going in the opposite direction.””

This article explains it.

Humanity will use 1.7 Earths’ worth of resources this year

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