2022-05-27 XR Comment About Rainforest

<< I would like to offer a small correction though we know, that the principle driver of Amazon destruction is not fossil fuels but direct clearing and burning of the forest by ranchers seeking new pastures for their cattle and for monocrops like soy, primarily for export as feed for farmed animal animals and fish.

Animal agriculture is in fact the principle driver of all tropical zone deforestation, responsible for an estimated 91% of Amazonian deforestation (over the past 2 decades) and 70% of the total.
The Amazon is now so depleted and dry as a result that it now emits about billion cubic tons more carbon than it absorbs and sequesters annually!
A solution to the climate and ecological emergencies must also include a conversation about phasing out animal agriculture and fishing. Besides that we are wasting so much land fattening animals when we should just be growing crops enough to feed ourselves. >>

Could someone tell me what the hell a cubic ton is??

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