2021-04-08 Air Pollution Kills Millions Every Year


This was what was wrong with the metro area where I grew up: Los Angeles Metro. The city infamous for its smog. It’s better now, thanks to pollution control technology on motor vehicles. But it still kills many: Approximately 8.7 million people per year worldwide.


Quote from above article:

<< The energy landscape is also undergoing dramatic change: the coal industry has collapsed in many parts of the world, the oil and gas industry are in decline. Renewables are proliferating because they are steadily becoming more and more effective, efficient and increasingly cheaper than fossil-fuel generated power. A lot of attention was paid to whatever actions might have caused Covid-19 to cross from animals to humans, but the actions that take fossil fuel out of the ground to produce that pollution that kills 8.7 million annually, along with acidifying oceans and climate chaos, should be considered far more outrageous a transgression against public health and safety. >>

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