2020-12-01 LTA Blimp Hangars 1945

I lived up in Panorama Heights for 6 months, and my high school friends owned the house up there that was one of, if not the first house built upon the hill. It was built long after 1945, IIRC 1956. In the evening we could sit in their living room and look out the window and see the two red beacon lights slowly flashing on the tops of the two blimp hangars. The house in the foreground of this photo leads me to believe that the photo was taken in the mid to late ’50s because I don’t think there were houses up there until that time.

<< Looking south from Panorama Heights toward a vast sea of orange groves when the orange was “King” in Orange County. The two large buildings on the horizon are the Santa Ana U.S. Navy Lighter-than-air base hangers, home of the wartime “Blimp” Coast Patrol, 1945. >>

Sherman Library

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