Hello world!

This is my replacement blog for watsonseblog.blogspot.com. After it was “removed because of spam” (I don’t spam) I lost four years and over 700 blogs. I will attempt to recreate some of my most important blogs, judged by the amount of comments I received. More to come as time permits. BTW, if you have a blogspot.com AKA blogger.com blog, make sure you export it or back it up or print it out. You may have yours removed at any time, without warning, for no reason, and you may never get it back.


  1. I am very glad to see you again 🙂

    1. Thanks. I’m trying to get some of the subjects in my earlier blogs back in this blog. It takes time, so keep checking back,.

  2. I tripped over your blog while surfing references in 101electronics on yahoo groups. Sorry to hear about your blog loss on Watson. You are right about backing up your files. Best to do that from the beginning, it can get difficult to near impossible once they grow large in size. I will be checking back from time to time, now that I know you’re out here. Seems like the rule has changed to “guilty, don’t bother disproving”. Good luck. Thank you for the blog, I’m sure I’ll learn something, as long I’m keep waking up each day.

  3. Well something has to be done. Your blog seemed to be well know, unfortunately I didn’t get the chance to visit it (just saw several links to it as just recently got back to electronic as a hobby, after about 4 years).
    So if we all gather and push google, we might get some results. We want to:
    1) obtain explanation of why it was removed
    2) obviously recover all the data lost (hopefully not all is deleted from their server, hopefully there remains a back up somewhere).
    Now how to organize ourselves? I am not sure! First create a special page explaining what we want to do, indicating where to write to google. Maybe a facebook group would be a good idea.
    I understand how frustrating this must be… We are with you and we will do something.

    1. Much of my blog was in Yahoo Cache, which I downloaded. Thanks.

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