Archive for the ‘Energy transmission’ Category:

2023-07-28 EVs Will *Save* The Grid, Not Destroy It!

The big lie! This guy is making a claim that is a myth! This supposed expert claims that when all cars are EVs, after the Sun sets there will be no batteries on this planet that will be able to supply the grid with power. Watch this short under 1 minute video. Then remember

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2023-07-09 Groundbreaking Research Transmits Energy From Space To Earth

This is definitely groundbreaking. But I don’t understand why they’re doing it this way. I think the array that’s in space should be as simple as possible – an array made up of thin sheets of metallized mylar that reflect the sunlight to the photovoltaic array on Earth. In their system and mine, there has

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2023-06-21 Norwegian Math Test 🤣

I’m half Norwegian so the yoke’s on me! 😆🤣😍

2022-03-26 Legislation Intro’d Renewables ‘Superhighway’

This CHARGE act legislation is to build a renewable energy ‘superhighway’. According to this, the existing electric infrastructure is old and antiquated and needs to be upgraded. It seems that if the existing system is working adequately then it’s not that bad. The renewables could be connected to the existing generators at their locations and

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2021-11-11 Hydrogen Major Drawbacks, Propaganda

This article tells about many drawbacks of hydrogen: gray, blue and green hydrogen. They claim that << Combusting green hydrogen in power plants jeopardizes public health and delays climate action >> because it produce nitrogen oxides. But so do burning fossil fuels. They bring up that steel pipes are made brittle by hydrogen at high

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2021-09-28 German Offshore Wind Farms; Recycling Blades

The narrator goes to the offshore wind turbine to show us a 6.2 MW wind turbine. The key takeaway is that these offshore wind turbines solve the wind turbine intermittency problem because it’s windy as hell out there 24 hours, 365 days a year. He said the transmission line to southern Germany was supposed to

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2021-09-07 UHV Lines Span Continents – China

China plans UHV transmission lines that span continents.

2021-07-09 Resilient Grid Proposed For Surging Power Demand

This article is about the proposal to build distribution and transmission infrastructure to allow renewables to get to the consumers. But it’s obvious that the electric utilities are promoting this because the utilities are afraid that rooftop solar will take away the utilities’ control of where the electricity comes from. The rooftop solar plus battery

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2021-06-04 China Will Have To Shut Down Coal Power Plants

Everyone complains that China is the worst polluter and CO2 source. But things will change. From comment in FB group renewable energy China has a lot more solar than any other country, and produces a lot more renewable energy. If the conventional thermal power plants, which require constant refueling, can’t compete with the solar and

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2021-03-28 Lavo, Hydrogen

From TSLA group – about hydrogen from my blog previous to this one. Nick Carrière Said, “…fundamental flaws with hydrogen vehicles…” Well, first off ‘converting to AC for a motor’ is necessary for battery EVs, too. But the losses are only a few percent either way. Said, “Total energy losses are several times higher…” That

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