Archive for the ‘disinformation’ Category:

2023-08-16 Hybrid, Plug-in Hybrid, Electric Vehicle Debate Rages On

An article on how Toyota, Peter Coy of the New York Times, the anti-EVers such as Shellenberger and their backers spread FUD – fear, uncertainty, and doubt – and spread “one of the most blatantly misleading lines in the history of marketing.” Quote from article: “”Not to get too carried away here, but Harvard has

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2023-08-14 Greenwashing, The Seven Sins of

Sabine gives the seven sins of greenwashing in a 17 min. YouTube video. The text follows. 1. The Sin of the Hidden Tradeoff:: When a product is marketed as green based on some environmental benefit but other often bigger issues go unmentioned. A typical example is batteries for electric vehicles. They don’t release CO2 emissions

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2023-08-11 Hybrid, Gas Cars Catch Fire The Most

There is so much bad press in the newsmedia about EV fires. But the worst by far are hybrids, then regular gas guzzlers. EVs are a very tiny fraction of the total. Gas cars catch fire 200 times more often than EVs. See image.

2023-08-09 CSLDF Open Records Protection Laws

The climate science deniers use the open records laws and FOIA requests to generate misinformation and corrupt the findings of the scientists and researchers. Quote: “”Bad-faith open records requests damage science in many ways, from discouraging frank conversations to providing opportunities for hostile actors to misconstrue phrases, including scientific jargon, and use these to mislead

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2023-08-08 Huckabee’s Childrens’ Book Of Climate Misinformation

Mike Huckabee’s new childrens’ book about climate change is filled with misinformation. Scroll down to the examples of misinformation. Page numbers are indented. Mike Huckabee’s New Children’s Book About Climate Change Is Filled With Scary Misinformation

2023-08-08 Trump Is More Than Authoritarian – He’s A Fascist

Robert Reich explains why Trump is more than an authoritarian; he’s a fascist. Short YouTube video

2023-07-29 Big Oil Shill lies To Us

This shill for the fossil fuels industries is trying to tell us that we have to stop making things from fossil fuels – that’s a LIE! What must be stopped is adding CO2 – carbon dioxide – or methane to the atmosphere. The burning of oil, gas or coal must be stopped so no more

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2023-07-28 EVs Will *Save* The Grid, Not Destroy It!

The big lie! This guy is making a claim that is a myth! This supposed expert claims that when all cars are EVs, after the Sun sets there will be no batteries on this planet that will be able to supply the grid with power. Watch this short under 1 minute video. Then remember

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2023-07-25 Oil-funded Heartland Institute And Others

This article reveals the truth about these evil organizations that spew lies, lies and more lies. The shipping industry’s ocean-going ships kill the whales. And as pointed out, wind turbines don’t have leaks like the oil spills that cause deadly marine disasters. These organizations parrot the lies from the big oil and fossil fuels industries.

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2023-07-18 RFK Jr. Spreads Anti-Semitic Sinophobic Covid Conspiracy

The Majority Report 22 min. YouTube video citing clip of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Description quote: “”Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke at a campaign event in Manhattan last week and claimed that it’s possible that COVID was a bioweapon that ethnically targeted Caucasians and Black people but didn’t target as aggressively Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese

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