Posts Tagged ‘landfills’:

2022-04-08 Stop Complaining About Wind Turbine Blades!

From FB group It’s not fair and unacceptable to blame wind turbine blades for being a landfill problem. Only 10 to 12% of the total plastic in landfills is due to wind turbine blades. Stop complaining about what’s in the landfills and complain about the plastic waste that’s turning the oceans into trash dumps and

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2022-04-05 Wind Turbine Waste Is Insignificant

There are those cynics who harshly criticize wind turbines for “filling up landfills”. That’s a false assertion. These badmouths never say anything about the *other* 87.5 to 90% of plastic waste that is filling up landfills. When compared to the rest of plastic waste, the amount that wind turbine blades generate is insignificant. The blades

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