2012-01-23 Watson’s Tiny Toroid Joule Thief

These tiny T231212T toroids from Surplussales.com are high permeability so it doesn’t take much wire to make a good Joule Thief coil.  The core is less than a quarter inch diameter (here is a data sheet in .PDF.). Six inches of 30 AWG magnet wire trifilar wound, with two of the windings connected in parallel for the primary winding.

The transistor is a BC337-25. I put a 2.2 ohm resistor in series with the circuit to measure the battery current.  It can be put there temporarily and removed when the LED current is what you want.  How do you change the LED current?  Change the 1k resistor to a different value.  Higher values will reduce the LED current.  With the BC337-25 and 1k resistor, the LED current should be close to 20 milliamps so it’s probably not wise to go much below 1k.  If you use another transistor, especially the pipsqueak 2N3904, you may have a hard time getting it to put out 20 milliamps.

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