2012-04-21 PC Board Repair Time

A friend asked me to repair a PC board that goes into one of his kids’ entertainment devices, I think it’s some kind of music organ. As can be seen, the current was so high that it vaporized the PC board trace.  A few other parts look like they were overheated. He said the fan burned out, and it was replaced.

I scraped off a lot of charred surface and ran some heavy copper wire along the existing trace route.  I sure hope it doesn’t happen again, because the trace acted like a fuse and failed, therefore most likely prevented further damage, such as a fire.  Now that it is much heavier wire, if it were to happen again, the next weakest point could be a fire hazard.  I also replaced a 1N4007 rectifier and a 220 uF filter capacitor because they looked like they may have suffered heat damage.

I gotta meet up with him and see if I can get a free lunch out of the deal.  🙂