Archive for September, 2023:

2023-09-23 Tesla Dojo Explained, BMW Partners With AWS

This article starts out briefly explaining Tesla’s Project Dojo. Lots of skepticism, I see here. I think some of these skeptics should just hold their tongues and wait and see what happens. It may take longer than what they think it’s going to take, but eventually they will get to level four, maybe level five

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2023-09-23 Mainframe Tape Drives

During my mainframe computer days, someone made a foot or so long rod with a metal base.  We would grab a handful of write rings and have a write ring tossing contest.  During the daytime the day shift would run dozens of batch jobs on the computer, and they would queue up in the printer

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2023-09-22 California Sues Big Oil ‘Corporate Climate Accountability’

Horrible. Quote: “”The lawsuit targets the role the American Petroleum Institute (API) has played in the fossil fuel industry’s climate deception conspiracy, building on previous complaints by the states of Delaware, Minnesota, and New Jersey; the District of Columbia; and five cities and counties. UCS’s 2015 Climate Deception Dossiers—cited in California’s complaint—highlighted an infamous 1998 internal

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2023-09-21 The EV Revolution In 5 Charts – Rocky Mountain Institute

A brief synopsis of the report by the RMI, using five charts. Link to report at end. The EIA and other researchers have typically underestimated the change; like the graphs show, their graphs are more like straight line when they should be more like the exponential curves shown. The EV Revolution in 5 Charts

2023-09-21 MAGA Repugs Misleadingly Interrogate AG Garland

These Republicans misuse a committee hearing questioning AG Merrick Garland – or probably more appropriately, abuse a committee hearing. What they should be doing is asking AG Garland legitimate questions and *allow* him to explain in detail the answers. Instead they grandstand by making misleading claims that are purposely designed to be entrapments. It looks

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2023-09-20 From 1910 to 1930 We Went From Horses to Automobiles

It’s mandatory that the world stops using gas guzzling fossil fueled vehicles and convert to EVs. Immediately!

2023-09-19 Calif Sues Big Oil For Denying Climate Change

I live here in Southern California, and I hope and pray that California is successful. But I don’t think it will be called a victory. Looking at reality, Big Oil has, since finding out from their own scientists in the late ’70s, based their business on a deadly, unsustainable business model. And they’ve ignored the

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2023-09-19 How Area Codes Were First Assigned By Telcos – Dr. Tyson

Well, Dr. Tyson got a few things not quite right. For one, he said that the area code numbers were chosen so that the most *people* would have do dial the least amount of digits. Well, that was just a side benefit. The central office equipment can’t have a dialer for every telephone, so they

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