Archive for the ‘Grid’ Category:

2024-03-20 Claims By House Committee Are Dubious

This is claiming that the grid will be overloaded, but that claim is contradicted by the latest figures that show the grid has use 1% **less** electricity. The following URL claims that the grid will not be able to handle the growing load.  This would be true *if* the grid was the only source of

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2024-03-20 EV Myth Debunked, Buried

There is the constant criticism fueled(!) by the Big Oil and fossil fuels industries that EVs – electric vehicles – are going to overload the grid.  But this myth has been proven false by the latest statistics.  The amount of electricity on the grid went down 1% according to the figures from the EIA. Furthermore,

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2024-03-12 Keeping The Grid In Balance

At the end he said “… keeping the grid in balance with millions of tons of spinning inertia.”  Well, this is now being simulated by the electronics in the battery energy storage systems and other electronics.  It’s called VMM – virtual machine mode. Soon, there will be very few thermal power plants left after all

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2024-02-07 Myth: EVs will Crash The Grid – Rosie 1 Min. Short

Rosie Barnes  *debunks* the myth that Electric Vehicles will crash the grid – she shows that EVs will charge during the daytime and power the grid during the dark.  1 min. YouTube video.

2024-02-04 Top 5 EV Myths Reviewed By Rosie Barnes

2024-01-03 Elon Tells About Powering The US With A 100 Mile Square Solar Farm

Elon Musk talks about generating enough power from a solar farm 100 miles by 100 miles, plus batteries to power during darkness.

2023-12-29 Solar Canopies Serve Three Purposes: Charging, Generation And Shade

I like getting in a car that’s not roasting hot. One thing the companies and organizations are doing is installing solar canopies in parking lots. It’s what Tesla did in the lot over the row of superchargers at Gigafactory Texas. And those canopies give cars shade. There are millions of acres / ares of parking

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2023-12-03 EIA Webpage On CAISO, Curtailment

The EIA tells about how California’s excess solar energy is being curtailed. The solar should *not* be curtailed if excess capacity is the sole reason. CAISO should be mandated to curtail fossil fuel power plants before curtailing renewables, obviously because renewables are preventing fossil fuels from having to be burned and hence reducing the amount

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2023-11-26 Bidirectional Chargers In California

Wallbox in partnership with Bidirectional Energy to get a grant from California Energy Commission REDWDS Grant for V2X technology. Wallbox & Bidirectional Energy To Get Grant For More V2X In California

2023-11-23 H2 Advocates/ICCT Don’t Understand PPAs, RECs, Wholesale, Retail Electricity

First, the Prime Directive: The release of GHGs – greenhouse gases – by humans into the atmosphere must be stopped. Burning fossil fuels for industry and transportation make up a major part of those GHGs. Fossil fuels must be replaced by fuels that add no GHGs to the atmosphere. Hydrogen is one choice. I want

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