Archive for the ‘research’ Category:

2023-08-23 Research On Advanced Techniques And Materials For EUV Lithography

Iteresting interview with a UC Berkeley scientist on their research with EUV – extreme ultraviolet – and developing materials for EUV lithography. One should be aware that when the structures of the chip are under 10 nanometers, if you were standing there looking at the structures on a table, the silicon atoms are about a

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2023-08-18 Wealthiest 10% Are Source Of 40% Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Quote: “”The wealthiest tenth of U.S. households are the source of 40 percent of national greenhouse gas emissions, according to research published in the journal PLOS Climate.”” Quote: “”The wealthiest 1 percent of households were responsible for between 15 percent and 17 percent of emissions.”” 40 percent of US climate emissions attributed to richest households:

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2023-08-18 Ferroelectric Memory Transistor Demonstrated

Several decades ago I read about these new Josephson devices that the scientists had invented, and how they would do wonderful things in the future. Here we are decades later and we hear nothing about Josephson devices. So here’s another interesting device, it uses indium selenide. It sounds promising but it may end up like

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2023-08-16 Hybrid, Plug-in Hybrid, Electric Vehicle Debate Rages On

An article on how Toyota, Peter Coy of the New York Times, the anti-EVers such as Shellenberger and their backers spread FUD – fear, uncertainty, and doubt – and spread “one of the most blatantly misleading lines in the history of marketing.” Quote from article: “”Not to get too carried away here, but Harvard has

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2023-08-15 Methane+Sunlight+ Catalyst = Emissions Free Hydrogen – Research

This sounds like it could be developed into a very important process. Methane + sunlight + boron nitride catalyst. The end products are hydrogen and just carbon – not CO2. So the carbon never enters the atmosphere, never becomes a greenhouse gas. Methane + Sunlight + Catalyst = Emissions-Free Hydrogen, Say UCF Researchers

2023-08-10 EVs: Will They Save Or Destroy Us? — Sabine H.

This video is a corrected version of the one about EVs from a few weeks earlier. Sabine said, “According to estimates by the non-profit organization American Action Network, by 2035 the costs for the upgrade [of the grid] in the US will reach approximately 2.5 Trillion dollars.” She also talks about overloading transformers and blowing

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2023-08-09 “We Are Damned Fools” James Hansen

Quotes: “” James Hansen & The Sounds Of Silence Hansen’s words fell on deaf ears. His warnings spawned a movement populated by opportunists, know-nothings, charlatans, and committed climate deniers like that consummate jackass James Inhofe, a senator who once brought a snowball into the well of the Senate to “prove” that climate change was a

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2023-07-15 Why We Shouldn’t Build Nuclear Power

Adam Dorr of RethinkX 16.5 min. YouTube video. His book is Brighter Main reason: “”Cost – Nuclear power makes no economic sense. It really is that simple: it’s an open and shut case.”” “”We don’t need nuclear, or coal power or any other conventional power for base load. Research shows … Batteries make base load

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2023-07-13 Tesla is the most wanted car brand in the US

Tesla is the most wanted car brand in the US. But I find this research a bit dubious. Tesla is the most wanted car brand in the US, study shows

2023-07-04 The End Of Haber-Bosch – Its Replacement

New research has enabled fixating nitrogen easier than by the Haber-Bosch process. About half the world’s food supply depends on the fertilizer made by the Haber-Bosch process. It is imperative that we end the use of fossil fuels in the Haber-Bosch process because its end product is CO2 greenhouse gas. It must be replaced by

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