Archive for the ‘research’ Category:

2023-11-22 Private Enterprise Is Not Good At Doing Expensive Things That Have Never Been Done Before

A YouTube short, Dr. Tyson says Private enterprise is not good at doing expensive things that have never been done before. The government does it first. He gives some examples.

2023-11-05 IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2023 – JHAT

Too little, too late? Are we headed toward 2.5 deg. C?? We need to do a lot more! Just Have A Think YouTube video 13.7 min More information regarding EVs: Factcheck: 21 misleading myths about electric vehicles

2023-11-05 Why We Can’t Live Without Lithium

DW Planet A ELEMENTAL video 11.5 mins on YouTube

2023-11-03 Elon Musk Funds a Prize For Carbon Capture

Cost is the big problem.

2023-10-19 Falling Ceramic Particle CSP – 1000°C For 15 Hours

Ceramic particles the size of sand can get hotter than the oil used in parabolic troughs. Heat stored for use after sun sets. CSIRO Claims Falling Particle Concentrated Solar Power Can Lead To A Net Zero Economy

2023-10-11 EU’s CBAM Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, + Industry Changes

Barnard talks about very important changes to decarbonize industries. Only One Industry Can’t Survive Without Fossil Fuels

2023-09-21 The EV Revolution In 5 Charts – Rocky Mountain Institute

A brief synopsis of the report by the RMI, using five charts. Link to report at end. The EIA and other researchers have typically underestimated the change; like the graphs show, their graphs are more like straight line when they should be more like the exponential curves shown. The EV Revolution in 5 Charts

2023-09-19 Calif Sues Big Oil For Denying Climate Change

I live here in Southern California, and I hope and pray that California is successful. But I don’t think it will be called a victory. Looking at reality, Big Oil has, since finding out from their own scientists in the late ’70s, based their business on a deadly, unsustainable business model. And they’ve ignored the

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2023-08-29 Study Calculates The Carbon Emissions Of Getting Rich

This PBS Newshour article explains what the effect is of the wealthy on carbon emissions.

2023-08-28 Graphene Discovery Could Help Generate Hydrogen Cheaply And Sustainably

This sounds like it could revolutionize hydrogen electrolysis from water. Currently the electrolysis requires catalyst made of platinum which is rare and costly. “Graphene discovery could help generate hydrogen cheaply and sustainably.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 August 2023. <>.

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