Archive for the ‘Meters and Test Equipment’ Category:

2015-10-29 Joule Thief Brightness Measurements

It’s been awhile since I blogged this, so I may be saying what I’ve already said before.  But I get comments from others about how to make measurements of the LED brightness.  A recent one is in the comments of an older blog.  Many Joule Thief builders don’t have the minimum tools needed for some

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2015-07-08 KPC AKA Key Product Characteristics

This is about electronics components, despite this off-topic intro. Last night I watched a Frontline episode on PBS about the drug resistant superbugs that are resistant to antibiotics.  They talked about one of the genes that causes this drug resistance; it produces an enzyme called klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase or KPC. I searched for KPC online

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2015-04-25 Transistor Tester Kit Does More

A few weeks ago I ordered this kit on a whim, not knowing what to expect, just something to assemble and get some soldering practice (this is what it looks like). There are several Chinese vendors that sell them.  The info claimed it tested other components besides transistors. It shipped from China so it has

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2015-03-30 Crazy Geiger Counter

A relative was more than a little bit concerned, and sent me this link. Dangerouse 32,000 mcR/h Radiation Reading by My New Geiger Counter from …: These are false readings.  The Geiger counter is receiving electromagnetic interference from the light and falsely interpreting it as counts per minute.  There is actually very little radiation

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2015-01-26 MightyOhm Geiger Counter Kit

One important reminder I should include is that radioactive materials and radiation can be hazardous to your health and high levels can cause deadly diseases such as cancer. The Geiger counter can tell when you are near radioactive substances but it does not tell you how dangerous the substance is. So even though this is

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2014-12-11 More Geiger Counter Sources

After my first feeble attempts to find a source of radioactivity to test my Geiger Counter, I took one of Paul’s ideas and tested several old 35mm camera lenses.  I tried a very old Asahi SLR (before Pentax) but I got no radiation.  Then I tested 2 Canon EOS cheap lightweight plastic lenses, still nothing. 

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2014-12-06 Geiger Counter Assembled Kit

Along with the Sonalerts, I bought an assembled kit for a Geiger counter from Goldmine for $70.00.  I didn’t know that it was a kit, but I would’ve bought it even if I did know.  It comes ready to connect to a 9 volt battery, which I did as soon as I read the directions.

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2014-10-23 Nichrome Wire For DIY Resistors

I ordered some 22 AWG nichrome wire from today.  It’s about an ohm per foot, or 3 and a fraction ohms per meter.  My plan is to make my own low value resistors for current monitoring. I often want to monitor the current in a higher power LED or input current to a Joule

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2013-07-26 Joule Thief E Field Detector Cont’d

This is a continuation of my previous blog.  I drew up a circuit (see the photo) and then built it, and I’ve been experimenting with it a little, and have some encouraging results.  Time for another blog. As can be seen, the blue LED is glowing dimly.  I originally used an alligator clip for the

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2013-07-21 Joule Thief EMF Detector

I was watching this Youtube video of a Joule Thief that is used as an EMF detector.  Actually it is detecting the electrostatic field, not the electromagnetic field.  If it had a pickup coil instead of an antenna, then it would be detecting the electromagnetic field.  Anyway, it looks like he is trying to trace

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