Posts Tagged ‘emissions’:

2023-09-14 Calif To Require Scope 3 Emissions Disclosure SB 253

This is very important. Billion$ companies will be required to disclose their Scope 3 Emissions. Quote: “”Information is a disinfectant for propaganda of all types. The fossil fuel industry has been deliberately lying to American citizens and the people of the world about its role in global heating for more than 50 years. Being able

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2022-04-17 Sources Of Greenhouse Gases

This authoritative source explains the sources of greenhouse gases. I was surprised about nitrous oxide. Quote: << Human activities are responsible for almost all of the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years.1 >> Overview: It has a link to an annual report “Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions

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2021-09-19 BEVs v. ICEVs Emissions Using Corrected Data

A study ised outdated incorrect data to conclude that BEVs were not as low emissions as diesel vehicles. Study corrected battery data and reversed that conclusion.

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