Archive for the ‘Electronics Books, documents, literature’ Category:

2021-08-31 US Electric Generation Sources

Electric generation in the US, 2020. This chart doesn’t tell the whole story.

2021-03-27 Batteries Vs. Oil – Transport & Environment

This gives some important differences about well to wheel comparisons of BEVs and ICEVs. BEVs are much more efficient. Document (.PDF) is 2.4 MB.

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2021-01-27 Report On Monopolized Energy Sector

A few big corporations are monopolizing the energy sector, and causing the US to lag behind when it comes to clean renewables, and maximizing profits at the expense of the consumer.

2020-06-18 Michael Pupin & Patents

From the list of his patents in his wiki. Armstrong co-authored some patents.

2020-06-01 Motorola HEP Catalog Transistors pp 10-12

These are scans of the specifications for most of the Motorola HEP line of replacement transistors. Germanium and Silicon. Pages 10, 11, 12.

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2018-09-02 Mims Mistakes In Audio Amplifier

From FB group Building Transistor Radios, 2018-09-02 I already see one mistake. On p.27, Audio Mixer. The R6 is only 1k. The voltage divider R5 and R6 will give a voltage less than 0.6 at Q1’s base, which means Q1 will not be forward biased enough and the circuit won’t work or else sound distorted.

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2017-06-08 AD Has ADP5090

Ever since I’ve been experimenting with Joule Thiefs I’ve done so with the intention of using the circuit for boosting a low voltage source to power a higher voltage circuit.  So I think this Analog Devices ADP5090 is very useful for doing just that: powering circuits up to 200 mW from very low voltage power

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2017-01-04 ASCII Chart

I tried posting this on Facebutt, but it thinks this single image .GIF is a movie!  So I’m putting it where all can get it.

2016-11-20 Books, Movies, City Lights

This is my answer to a question on Facebook about what movie have you watched five or more times. I think I watched UP! more than once.  And Wall-e.  But I can’t see spending that much time watching a movie when I know pretty much how it’s going to be after the second or 3rd

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2013-05-03 Ohm’s Law Chart

This is a chart for everyone, even though you should already know it.

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