Archive for the ‘Grid’ Category:

2023-11-23 H2 Advocates/ICCT Don’t Understand PPAs, RECs, Wholesale, Retail Electricity

First, the Prime Directive: The release of GHGs – greenhouse gases – by humans into the atmosphere must be stopped. Burning fossil fuels for industry and transportation make up a major part of those GHGs. Fossil fuels must be replaced by fuels that add no GHGs to the atmosphere. Hydrogen is one choice. I want

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2023-11-01 V2G Vehicle To Grid – Engineering With Rosie Australia

Things are different in Australia, but eventually the V2G will become common in America soon. Also VPP – virtual power plant, which combines many residential solar storage systems into a virtual power plant. This is being done right now in California. What is really heartbreaking is there has been so much badmouthing about EVs –

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2023-10-23 Can California’s Grid Handle Electric Vehicles?

Yes, California’s grid will be able to handle more EVs.

2023-10-16 Newsom Signs Powering Up Californians Act Into Law

Helping electrify California by reducing time. Sounds like it’s supposed to smooth over the bureaucratic red tape. Powering Up Californians Act Is Signed into Law

2023-10-13 California To Phase Out Gas Cars Over 12 Years

California is going to phase out gasoline cars over the next 12 years. Good read, but critical of some things I don’t think are necessary. Quote from article: “”Automakers will have to gradually electrify their fleet of new vehicles, beginning with 35% of 2026 models sold, increasing to 68% in 2030 and 100% for 2035

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2023-10-11 Tesla’s Virtual Machine Mode, Autobidder, Powerhub, Opticaster, &c.

Links to several of Tesla’s energy storage products. VMM explained. There are many critics who say that Renewable energy will always need ‘baseload’ generation – thermal power plants. But they are being proven wrong by these new inventions that emulate baseload generation with software. Tesla says (quote) “”As more wind and solar power replace fossil

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2023-10-10 US Peak Hourly Electricity Demand = 741,815 MWh

The EIA breaks this article into the 3 interconnections: Eastern, Western, and Texas. Quote: “”On July 27, 2023, peak hourly electricity demand in the continental United States reached 741,815 megawatt-hours (MWh). This peak was the second highest since we began collecting this data in 2016, just under the all-time high of 742,704 MWh recorded on

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2023-09-09 How Tesla Can Continue 50% Growth

How Tesla Can Continue 50% Growth & Sell 2.7 Million Vehicles In 2024 I have very little confidence in all of Paul’s predictions or assertions. He failed to address other sources of revenue, the biggest of which is the energy storage segment. He didn’t say anything about the Powerwall sales or the VPP electricity arbitrage.

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2023-08-24 Texas Approves Two Tesla VPPs – Virtual Power Plants

This is exciting! The VPPs are going to make liars out of those badmouthers who say that renewables will never be able to run the grid without fossil fuel power plants. We need many more VPPs! Quote: “”PUCT says that there is already 2.3 GW of capacity from small energy storage devices in Texas and

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2023-08-17 EVs Support Power Grid Reliability And Reduce Costs

The problem with the idea of becoming more independent from the grid is something that the utilities will fight tooth and nail to prevent. They don’t want to lose customers and have them go off the grid. So they want to keep the customers as dependent as possible. Doing it the “cut the cord” way

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